Why To Become Doctor}

Why To Become Doctor


Romesh Khandelwal

A doctor is a medical professional who helps diagnose and treat patients who are suffering from illness. Doctors work with patients when they are sick. They also may work with healthy people to help them achieve a physical goal, such as improved strength, cosmetic changes, administration of vaccinations and better nutrition. There are many reasons to become a doctor.

Rewarding Profession

Many people are attracted to the doctor profession because it gives them an opportunity to help those in need. Whether healing physical ailments, providing medical advice or performing complex surgeries, doctors have the opportunity to change lives.

Many doctors claim that their profession was a calling and that their personal sacrifices to achieve the career were entirely worth it.

High Earnings

A good doctor has a high earning career. The Planning Commission has estimated a shortage is 600,000 doctors in India. Canada, Australia, Singapore and some Gulf countries currently welcome qualified Doctors as they have a shortage of medical professionals. There are over 70,000 doctors from India working in Canada, UK, USA and Australia. Salaries in developed countries begin at Rs. 24 lacs /year. Some doctors earn in excess of Rs 100 lacs per annum. A very handsome return for your investment in Medical Education!!


In most societies, doctors are given great respect. This high regard is most likely the result of the awesome influence that doctors hold within their grasp daily. Not only do they have the knowledge to recognize and treat major ills, they have committed their professional lives to providing assistance to those who need it. Patients often seek, not only treatment from their doctor, but also guidance and advice.

Personal and Family Health

Being a doctor allows an individual to more accurately diagnose their own and their family’s various maladies. From broken bones to sinus infections, a doctor has a basic understanding of most illnesses and a more in depth understanding in their areas of expertise. Therefore, a doctor can recognize sicknesses based on symptoms that lay-people might miss. Doctors can also take precautions, and recommend their family do the same, to avoid serious illnesses.

In Case of Emergency

One potential benefit of being a doctor is the ability to help in an emergency situation. In cases where many people might panic or be unable to help, a doctor can provide critical advice and care before a paramedic or other professional arrives.

Most stable profession

There will always be a need for doctors. No matter what the state of the economy and no matter which political party is in center, treating and giving health to sick is only a DOCTORs job. The population of the world is increasing, people and governments are getting more health conscious, more and more doctors are needed.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Doctors have the advantage of choosing the type of work environment they prefer. They can work in a hospital or a public clinic. They can work in a large corporation or a small town office. They can choose to work for someone else, or those with an entrepreneurial spirit can open their own clinic and work for themselves. There is a common trend where Doctors from various specialties, open a multi-specialty Hospital as Joint Venture.


Not all doctors see patients all day long. Many doctors spend a significant amount of their time in research. With the abundance of disease and illness, there are an infinite number of questions that can only be answered by research. It is through the research that doctors perform that the medical advancements are made. For those that enjoy the challenge of asking questions and finding answers, being a doctor can be very satisfying.

Emotionally Rewarding

A doctor has the opportunity to meet all types of people each and every day. They have the chance to have a positive impact on the lives of their patients and their families. It is rewarding to know that you have the ability to help another human being through a tough time.

Doctors also have the ability to work with talented teams of colleagues that all share a common goal; the treatment and wellness of the patient. It is rewarding to be surrounded by a compassionate group of people that are working together to better their patients and the world.

So now the question is

From where to pursue MBBS, to become a successful DOCTOR.

From where to pursue MBBS, to become a successful DOCTOR.

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