Lighting Manufacturer Sales Agents In Central America

By Russell Neal

Understanding a few facts about Central America will help our readers understand why we are so excited about expanding into this market with lighting manufacturers representatives. Central American countries are peace-loving democracies, and like all democracies, they do not go to war with one another. They are also some of the most beautiful countries in the world, with thousands of miles of unspoiled forestsmaking them an excellent market for energy saving, totally green LED lighting technology. Central American economies are growing, and they are beginning to attract the attention of global companies and venture capital investors. Central Americans also tend to have a very highly favorable opinion of North Americans and North American businesses, and they have welcomed our lighting manufacturer representatives to their cities and small towns with open arms. As more people buy land along the Central American coasts and more European and North American companies expand into the region, Phantom lighting representatives offer agent services to businesses and individual clients alike from Belize to Panama.

As more companies open offices in Central American cities, many of them decide during the planning stages to decorate those offices with fine art and eclectic displays. Phantom lighting representatives help architects and builders integrate fine art and display lighting into the initial designs of office building even before groundbreaking and foundation work begins. Our manufacturer agent representatives partner with engineers and designers to gather the specific dimensions of bookshelves, unique furniture, coved ceilings, and glass display cases in order to determine the exact sizes needed for the manufacture of our proprietary, patented, Phantom lighting strips. They also spend a great deal of time gathering information on paintings and three dimensional sculptures that eclectic business owners use to decorate their executive offices and meeting rooms. With this information, residential lighting manufacturer representatives can help Central American companies select the very best art projectors and strip lights for their art lighting and display showcasing needs and provide detailed information as well on how to seamlessly install the equipment (or find a contractor in the area who can install it) so as to show the light, not the fixture, to visiting clients and strategic partners.


It is important to note that as growth is a product of change, change often provides a key component to truly high-end lighting design. We encourage Central American business owners to ask our Phantom Lighting manufacturer representatives to explain in detail our adjustable shelf concept which holds a United States patent as the only one of its kind in the lighting world. This method of conductivity eliminates visible wiring and conducts a safe, cool, low-voltage current through existing metal shelf standards. This allows for the shelves to be removed and repositioned at will, so one display can transform into many with a few simple changes that anyone in the office can safely make without fire hazard or equipment damage. Use this to showcase fine hardback books, high-end marketing materials, collectibles, and even rare or antique furniture. Lighting manufacturer agents are experts in Phantoms proprietary, highly user-friendly technology and offer consulting services complimentary through email and telephone to all serious inquirers and clients of Phantom Lighting. Our manufacturer agents will also help advise business on the details of the different types of trims we manufacture. No matter what type of shelf we are working with, we will custom make a Phantom Strip Light set just for that shelf.

The Phantom Contour Projector, sold as well by our Central American manufacturer representatives, offers the worlds best source of fine art lighting. It filters out harmful ultraviolet light notorious for damaging paintings, and it features several Pyrex glass focal lenses that users can easily adjust to focus the light beam onto all works of art. This reveals the radiant color of pictures and paintings, giving them a lighted from within look. Hanging works of art will appear to float right off the wall as if by magic.

Phantom Lighting agent representatives not only work with Central American businesses, but also with private individuals and retired couples now moving in mass to the shores of Belize, Costa Rica, and Panama. Many of these persons are individuals of great means, and want not only a view of the ocean to call their own, but also a home interior that speaks of refinement and good taste. Phantom manufacturer agents will help these private individuals select any one of six series lines we offer in the Contour art Projector, and we will provide additional lenses, detailed installation and adjustment instructions, and suggestions on how to fine art lighting with every order.

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Central Amercia Lighting Representative Sales Agents

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to learn more about Contour Projectors and Phantom Linear Strip Lights.


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