Gps Tracking: Navigating The World}

GPS Tracking: Navigating the World


Herbert Reich

Global Positioning Systems are now the standard navigational system worldwide. While it wasn’t always available to the public, it has quickly evolved as the favorite means of navigation by nearly everyone. Today, you can find a GPS system in almost every new car model, on cell phones, and several other devices. Where did the GPS system come from and how does it work?


The GPS system was initially created as a military tracking and navigation system. In 1983, after a Korean flight was shot down by Soviet fighter planes for violatng their airspace, Ronald Reagan made it available to the masses. He believed that the world needed this technology in order to avoid disasters like the Korean flight. Since then, it has evolved into much more than a military device.

The idea behind GPS is actually simple, however the implementation of it is complex. The United States has about 30 satellites that they sent up into space to orbit around the earth. What these satellites are used for is to send out a constant stream of microwave signals back down towards the earth. The GPS unit on the ground receives the signal from the satellite. It is then able to calculate the exact position, direction, and speed of itself based on these signals. Each time the receiver gets a signal from the satellite, several calculations are made immediately. The exact time that the signal was sent is sent along with the signal from the satellite. They also receive a message as to where the satellite is located and in what orbit. These messages travel so fast that they are actually moving at the speed of light. Any time you travel at the speed of light, you’re going to be able to get something from just outside earth to the ground almost instantaneously. This is why you are able to see exactly where your location is, even when you’re moving.

Today, a great number of cars have them built into the dash. Moreover, there are many competing detached navigation systems that you can buy. Devices like Tom-Tom will give you turn by turn directions to wherever you want to go. They even have a little voice that says “turn at the next right” or whatever you need to do. One of the newest devices to get GPS capabilities is the iPhone. Having detailed maps in your cell phone opens up a world of possibilities for everyone.

GPS tracking has the potential to help many people in every walk of life. If you’re lost, you definitely will be wishing that you had one at your disposal. At some point, we all need a map and need to know where we’re at. GPS is an advanced way to make your life easier. In the end, we could all use a little bit of help.

If you’re keen to use a powerful

GPS tracking

device, be sure you buy a

GPS tracking

device from a reputable vendor.

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GPS Tracking: Navigating the World}