Get Well Wishes After Surgery How To Comfort Someone

By Larry Donaldson

Knowing that someone you care about has just gone through surgery can make you want to comfort that person. Life is hard enough, but having to go through surgery is one of those difficult experiences that many of us must face at one time or another. It is nice to know that you can be there for someone when they are going through this difficult time.

If someone you care about has recently had surgery or is scheduled to undergo surgery, you undoubtedly want to send them get-well wishes after surgery. But, what is the best way to go about making someone feel your caring and support after they have gone through surgery? The answer depends upon a number of factors, including your relationship with them, each of your respective personalities, and your budget.

Here are some tips for how to comfort someone after surgery:

1. Give them a call.


Sometimes, the best way to comfort someone is to reach out and touch them – with a phone call – after surgery. However, if you take this approach, remember: do not tie them up for too long on the line. He or she will be in recovery mode – and for anyone who has been through surgery, you know how exhausted your body can get. So, just give them a quick call to get them on the line and let them know you care. Then, get off and let them have their rest!

2. Write them a letter.

Letter-writing is a lost art. Text messages and e-mail have replaced letter-writing. But, there is no electronic substitute for a good, well-written, thoughtful letter. If the surgery patient is your boss or colleague, there is no need to get too mushy: just let them know that you have been thinking about them and that you hope they recover soon. If they are a loved one, it’s okay to let your feelings go a bit and tell them how much they mean to you.

3. Pay them a visit.

Paying him or her a hospital or home visit is a real sign that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to comfort them. If they are still in the hospital, be sure to call ahead of your visit to check with them (or with the attending nurse) and make sure it is okay to drop by for a quick hello.

4. Bake or cook them something.

Nothing communicates your well wishes like a freshly baked cake, batch of cookies, or even a home-cooked meal. Just remember to check first to make sure the surgery patient does not have any dietary restrictions, as is common for people in the days and weeks after surgery. Otherwise, you could end up eating the food alone!

5. Buy them a gift.

If you have the budget for it, a well-chosen gift after surgery can be a whole lot of fun to give (and get!). hint: make sure that you buy something you think THEY would want, not something YOU would want for yourself! In particular, find something that he or she can use to pass the time during their recovery period.

About the Author: For great surgery recovery gift ideas, check out:



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