Top 5 Benefits Annuities Can Bring Except The Lifetime Income}

Top 5 Benefits Annuities Can Bring Except the Lifetime Income


Ryan PolimeniEarning a consistent income in their retirement life is a major concern for the seniors approaching their retirement and many of them invest in different annuity insurance plans. These annuities help the insured to receive a guaranteed income for life protects from the fear of outliving their savings. Also, if a senior couple hasn’t saved enough or doesn’t have someone to support after their retirement, these policies help greatly to take care of their daily expenses and maintain a better lifestyle. However, the majority of seniors isn’t aware of all the benefits an annuity can bring. Most of them buy an annuity solely to receive a guaranteed income in their retirement life but the annuities have a lot to offer. Here, we are going to explain five more benefits of a retirement annuity plan that you might not be knowing.Benefit to your loved onesAt times, seniors pay a long series of premiums to earn them back during their retirement but die at an early age without receiving the complete benefits. Many seniors die soon after their retirement and insurance providers keep their share of investment with themselves. But, the new additional feature allows transferring the benefits to the beneficiaries, if the insured dies early. Along with the immediate annuity plan, you can choose a guaranteed period of 10-20 years that are calculated since the time you start receiving the payments. If you opt for a 20-year guaranteed period with the annuities, your insurer will provide a series of payments for exact 20 years. You can name your spouse or kids as the beneficiary and they will receive the benefits for rest of the period, in case you die early.Tax deferral on earningsMost of the investments are applicable for state and federal taxes, but the investments such as interests, annuities, dividends and capital gains earn a tax-deferred status. These investments are tax-free until you withdraw the accumulated amount. The tax-deferral is similar to 401(k)s and IRAs, but there isn’t any limit on the amount and you can put any amount into the annuities that you assume enough to spend your retirement comfortably. Moreover, the minimum withdrawal criteria have more flexibility than that of to 401(k)s and IRAs.Tax-free investment transfersMarket performs differently at a different time and an investment performing strong today may perform poorly after a certain period. Hence, investors keep transferring their investment amount form one to another fund and there are financial advisors to help with the same. Usually, these investment transfers or rebalancing are applicable for taxes but the annuity retirement plan has no such tax consequences. That means, you can rebalance your investments as per your financial advisor’s suggestion and you won’t have to pay any taxes on that.Protection from lendersPeople take different types of loans to match a better lifestyle and pay the due amount in installments. At times, people reach a stage where they only have the money enough to take care of their fundamental requirements and aren’t able to pay the loan installments. In such cases, if the lender files a lawsuit, they may lose the return on the investments made. Annuities insurance policies also help protect your investment return even if you can’t make the installments. Usually, the premiums you have made to your insurance provider, belongs to them and there are laws that restrict that money to be accessed by the lenders.Variety of investment optionsInsurers help the investors with a range of annuity options at retirement including the fixed and variable one. The first one credits a certain rate of interest on the amount you deposit while with the later, your money is invested in the stock or bonds like mutual funds and provide a return based on the market performance. Also, various insurance providers have introduced different types of floors that set a limit by which your investment value may not fall further. That means, if you have invested in a variable annuity, you return won’t fall below a certain value, despite the fluctuations in the market.

Ryan Polimeni is the owner of and has been providing insurance-related support and services since he was just 22. Owing to his knowledge and expertise, Ryan got his own insurance license at a pretty young age and has been providing his premium services to receive

annuity retirement quotes

to a huge clientele group.

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