Capitol Hill fries and toast French again

Thursday, August 3, 2006

With an absence of fanfare, the foodstuffs renamed three years ago to “Freedom fries” and “Freedom toast” have reverted to their previous names of “French fries” and “French toast” respectively, for food service of the United States Capitol and White House.

In March 2003, House Representatives Bob Ney of Ohio and Walter B. Jones of North Carolina instituted changing food references of “French” to “Freedom” as a propaganda response to the refusal of France to participate in the U.S.-initiated invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Calling great public attention to the name change on March 11 of that 2003, Ney said, “This action today is a small but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France.” At the time Ney chaired the House Committee on House Administration, which controls those cafeterias.

Currently, Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers of Michigan chairs the House Administration Committee, and his spokesman has responded to the return of French fries and French toast with: “Officially the committee has no comment on the matter. I really don’t see how this is a story.”