Do I Really Need To See The Dentist Every Six Months?}

Submitted by: Nicholas Papageorgiou

Well, you know a dentist is going to say the answer is yes. But it really is! When you’re young, fewer problems occur with teeth, so preventative care can seem like a waste of time. But ignoring small dental problems now can lead to very big, albeit costly, problems down the road. Pre-scheduled visits every six months help the dentist to keep on top of potential dental problems while implementing a personal care routine and the tools of dentistry to solve those diseases of the mouth and gums a patient may be suffering from.

My top three reasons for seeing a dentist every 6 months are: gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth decay. With proper preventative care and daily care of teeth, and the care of a professional dentist, these tooth and gum diseases can be mitigated or managed.

How can a dentist help me prevent Gingivitis (gum disease)?

Gingivitis develops when plaque builds up along and under the gum line. The longer plaque and tartar remain on teeth, the more damage they can do. In its early stages, the bacteria in plaque builds up, causing gums to inflame and bleed easily when brushing. Gingivitis is a milder form of gum disease that can be reversed if immediate steps are taken. Regular visits to your dentist to remove plaque build-up is critical. Additional steps include; brushing your teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, swishing with an antiseptic mouth rinse following every brushing, and flossing daily.


What is Periodontal Disease? How can I prevent it?

Severe plaque buildup left untreated can advance to Periodontal Disease, in which the gums pull away from your teeth, creating small pockets that can become infected. The bone and connective tissue that hold your teeth in place can begin to break down. Do you know what that means? You may lose teeth.

Again, with proper care and daily personal dental hygiene, periodontal disease can be treated and even reversed.

Please, if you have not been on top of preventative care, and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, make an appointment to see a dentist immediately. Symptoms of gum disease include: redness of the gums, loose teeth, bleeding when brushing or flossing, a receding gum line and consistent bad breath. If detected early, milder forms of gum disease can be reversed. How well you manage more severe cases will depend entirely on how well you care for your teeth and gums from that point forward.

How does tooth decay occur?

Tooth Decay occurs when acids from food and bacteria eat away at your teeth, causing cavities (small holes in the tooth). When you eat, plaque forms on your teeth and creates those acids that can eat away at the enamel. Real damage occurs when that acid affects the layers underneath your enamel: dentin (middle layer) and the pulp, which contains all of the nerves and blood vessels. At that point, you would likely be feeling quite a bit of pain. See a dentist immediately if you are experiencing tooth pain, because treatment and/or efficient removal of the tooth will relieve pain immediately, and set you on the path to better health altogether.

What are the Symptoms of tooth decay?

Symptoms of tooth decay often dont appear until youve reached the cavity stage or have an infected tooth. If you are experiencing tooth pain, swollen gums, bad breath or spots on your teeth, please see a dentist immediately.

Why is good preventive dental care a better idea than emergency dental care?

Have I successfully frightened you into booking your next appointment? While not my intention, I cannot stress enough how important it is to see a dentist every 6 months. I promise you, preventative checkups are painless and will prevent major problems down the road. Committing to a check-up every six months is a very small price to pay for lasting health and a beautiful smile!

About the Author: Dr. Nicholas Papageorgiou is a 1999 graduate of the Medical College of Virginia has been in dental practice for more than 14 years. He continually educates himself and his staff on the newest dental techniques and approaches. Dr. Papageorgiou is a dedicated member of the American Dental Association, the Northern Virginia Dental Association, the Virginia Dental Association and the Delta Sigma Delta dental fraternity. Visit

to learn more about state-of-the-art-dentistry.


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