Ponder Before You Build Koi Pond

Submitted by: Nelson Williams

Every living being needs its own space its own hearth on this earth. And so do your Koi. You can enjoy Koi at its best only if you provide it with an ecosystem it wants and it deserves. If you truly want a Koi, you will need to want a pond as well. And by pond I mean a proper, big, well maintained pond with all the required maintenance systems in place.

Once you have decided that you want to build Koi pond, prepare yourself for some real hard work. If you choose to hire some professionals to build your pond, be ready for sparing a few extra hundreds in addition to the considerable investments that Koi keeping requires. Another option is you can build Koi pond for your loved Koi with your own hands. It s by no means simple or easy. But it is sure to be great fun and you will get the satisfaction that no cost can buy.

Here is some basic step by step information that would help you to build your Koi pond:

? Do thorough research and planning. Use the internet and explore the sites dedicated to Koi and gather whatever information you can about Koi pond building. Talk to those who already have a Koi pond. The more informed you are the better the chances of getting the right pond at the very first attempt. Do not only search for the pond building guidelines, but also look for better options for getting required Koi pond equipment. Plan every detail carefully so that you can proceed without any hassles or hesitation.


? Choose a spot in your garden that receives ample light but is not under direct sunlight at any hour of the day. Choose cautiously. You will never be able to move your pond.

? Do you want your pond to be raised above the ground level or in the ground? Consider both the options. Choose what is best for you.

? Decide upon an appropriate size. The larger and deeper the pond the better for your Koi. Koi are big fish and they thrive well in a large pond that gives them enough space to swim around. But your budget will also have to increase with the pond size, so make a practical decision.

? Get manual now. Start digging. If you want to have shelves for holding aquatic plants, dig accordingly. Once the hole is ready, it s time to put in the base for your pond. There are many options available. You can choose from PVC, fibreglass, concrete, etc. Fibreglass is the most durable but also the most expensive of options. Concrete has perhaps the lowest construction cost but maintenance costs are high and durability can be an issue as concrete is prone to cracks. Choose as per your budget and preference.

? Ensure that your pond has a proper drain system in place before it goes live.

? Install all the required equipment. Choose the equipment based on the size of your pond and the number of Koi you plan to have. Select quality products even if it means a few extra bucks. Install the filtration system, UV lights for clearing of water, aeration system, pumps, etc. properly in place.

? Fill your pond. Implant all the vegetation that you wish to have in there. Let your pond come to terms with nature. Test all the systems and ensure they are working properly.

? Add beautiful and healthy Koi to your pond.

So ponder, pond in and pond this is the way to a happy and healthy Koi pond experience.

About the Author: Nelson writes koi fish here:


. He has raised, studied, bred and cared for hundreds of varieties of Koi. His twenty plus years of practical experience and research are available in his latest book, Insider’s Secrets To Raising Healthy Koi: The Ultimate Guide.



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